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Start => : Sentinel Spectrum 品牌 :

犬用 (4)

Sentinel Spectrum 品牌 Dogs 犬用 11- 25lbs 10到21斤 (Green Box 绿色)
CURRENT BATCH EXPIRY DATE 本批次期限 : 2014-05-01
Pack Size 包装Qty 数量Price 单价 
6 tabs 共6风味标签Sentinel Spectrum for Dogs 犬用 - 11 - 25lbs 10到21斤 - Green 绿色 - 6 Flavor Tabs 共6片 ¥490.87 [$74.95]
Sentinel Spectrum 品牌 Dogs 犬用 2 - 10lbs 2到9斤 (Brown Box 棕色)
CURRENT BATCH EXPIRY DATE 本批次期限 : 2014-05-01
Pack Size 包装Qty 数量Price 单价 
6 tabs 共6风味标签Sentinel Spectrum for Dogs 犬用 - 2-10lbs 2到9斤 - Brown 棕色 - 6 Flavor Tabs 共6片 ¥458.12 [$69.95]
Sentinel Spectrum 品牌 Dogs 犬用 26 - 50lbs 22到45斤 (Yellow Box 黄色)
CURRENT BATCH EXPIRY DATE 本批次期限 : 2012-12-01
Pack Size 包装Qty 数量Price 单价 
6 tabs 共6风味标签Sentinel Spectrum for Dogs 犬用 - 26-50lbs 22到45斤 - Yellow 黄色 - 6 Flavor Tabs 共6片 ¥530.17 [$80.95]
Sentinel Spectrum 品牌 Dogs 犬用 51 - 100lbs 46到90斤 (White Box 白色)
CURRENT BATCH EXPIRY DATE 本批次期限 : 2013-09-01
Pack Size 包装Qty 数量Price 单价 
6 tabs 共6风味标签Sentinel Spectrum for Dogs 犬用 - 51-100lbs 46到90斤 - White 白色 - 6 Flavor Tabs 共6片 ¥576.01 [$87.95]

Sentinel Spectrum Chews

Sentinel Chews are used to prevent heartworm disease, control flea populations and control intestinal worms in dogs. Regular treatment with Sentinel provides long term protection and control of flea infestations, and aids in the treatment of flea allergy dermatitis in dogs.

Sentinel Chews 咀嚼片用于预防心丝虫疾病,控制跳蚤数目和狗的肠道蠕虫。常规使用提供长期的保护和有效控制跳蚤侵扰,并能帮助敏性皮炎的治疗。

For prevention of heartworm and control of intestinal worms, dogs should be treated with Sentinel every month, preferably on the same date. Heartworm is transmitted via mosquitoes, therefore the first dose of Sentinel should be given within one month of the start of the mosquito season and monthly until the end of the season for effective heartworm prevention. For best results in terms of flea control, give Sentinel throughout the year without interruption. Note: Growing puppies may gain sufficient weight during the course of treatment to require an increased dose of Sentinel before a packet has been consumed. A veterinarian should be consulted for appropriate dosing instructions for puppies.


The lufenuron in Sentinel inhibits the development of flea eggs into adults; it does not have any action in killing the adult fleas. Concurrent use of other products effective in killing adult fleas may be necessary for complete flea control. All animals in the household should be treated for fleas for full efficacy of the product. If a high adult flea burden is present at the start of treatment with Sentinel Spectrum, administer a product registered for use against adult fleas until the adult flea population is reduced. Initially, treatment of the pet's environment may also be recommended for severe flea infestations.

Sentinel 抑制虱螨脲发展为成虫虫卵,它不具有杀成虫的药性。有效地杀灭成虫须其他产品同时使用,以达到完全控制跳蚤的要求。在一个家庭所有的动物都应该参与跳蚤治疗以达到完整疗效。如果发现大量成年跳蚤,应采用药物治理成虫,直到成年跳蚤数量减少后再开始使用 Sentinel。治疗初期,宠物的环境治理也应成为跳蚤控制的有机部分。

Ingredients 配料

Each tablet contains: milbemycin oxime, lufenuron & praziquantel
